Critical Thinking Posted on August 25, 2021August 25, 2021 By Ardian Setiawan One of the reasons why we have to be able to read critically, using critical approach in reading and understanding information, is because our reality is shaped by what we read. We should not let our reality be defined by information coming from others’ way of seeing the world. Rather, we must use our critical thinking to construct our reality. Our reality is co-constructed. It’s a product of collective construction. In that space of collective construction, we always have two choices: sitting quietly and accepting all information coming and defining our reality, or taking a critical stance and performing a synthesis of information so that you can use critical lenses and construct your version of reality. I take the second one
Good at Posted on September 5, 2018September 5, 2018 If you’re good at running, don’t spend your time swimming. Some people are not productive because they are doing something they’re not good at. Some people are not productive because they’re trying to be others. Be yourself. Do things you’re good at. Read More
Penilaian objektif Posted on May 2, 2017 Penilaian paling objektif atas diri kita berasal dari Tuhan, Allah yang maha adil. Selebihnya, penilaian dari sesama manusia hanyalah konstruksi sosial, pandangan subjektif dari mereka yang menilai kita berdasarkan pengalaman dan pengetahuannya. The problem is, pengalaman dan pengetahuan manusia sangat terbatas, sehingga sangat tidak mungkin menghasilkan sudut pandang yang adil…. Read More
Courage Posted on May 22, 2018August 15, 2018 We will not discover new oceans, unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore. An end is a beginning. Read More