From Comfort Zone to Growth Zone

While the term is often used in the public discourse, comfort zone is still a problematic/difficult concept. We are often told to leave the comfort zone without being given an explanation of what the zone is. So, what’s comfort zone?

This diagram visualizes the concept clearly, providing indicators we can use for measuring the zone(s).

1. If you always feel safe and in control, you are in the comfort zone.

2. If you lack of self confidence, always find excuses, and are easily affected by others’ opinions, you are in the fear zone. You’re moving away from the comfort zone.

3. If you deal with challenges and problems, and learn new skills, you are in the learning zone. In this stage, you are extending your comfort zone.

4. I love the indicators! If you always try to find and set your purposes, if you live your dreams, you set goals and achieve objectives, congratulations! You are in the growth zone.

Log on -or- log in?

You might find the two phrases confusing. So, here are a brief explanation about the two phrases and sample sentences.

In nontechnical sense, ‘Log on’ means visiting (without using a username and password) while ‘log in’ means signing in with a username and password (or- sign in).

Sample sentences:

The user can log on to a website operated by such entity to read the message.

Facebook now requires Belgium users to log in to view pages.


Why worry about the past if you have the present and future days.

Regret is a word of the future. It is meant to change your future, not to trap you in a static vacuum box – your past.

If you regret something, just change it. Make decisions.

Regret is a reminder.

It reminds you that you can be a better person. A better version of yourself.

Action Research

What makes action research different from other types of investigation?

Action research is flexible. It is uniquely suited to exploring and supporting change. It is the integration of an exploratory action and social research aimed at promoting development. The results of action research are both theoretical and practical

Ontological and Epistemological Stances

Why disclosing our ontological and epistemological stances?

Research should begin with ontological and epistemological assumptions which become the foundation of the inquiry (Guba & Lincoln, 2004; Hesse-Bibber & Leavy, 2004; Creswell, 2013, 2014). Because our assumptions affect the research process, it is necessary for researchers to be aware of their philosophical assumptions, and to disclose their ontological and epistemological stances.


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