As long as you are worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them – Walsch
Debat akademik
Debat akademik itu menyenangkan, karena ada standar, moral dan etika yang memandu kita sehingga bisa menghasilkan gagasan yang produktif. Ide didukung dengan data-data yg relevan dan sahih. Berdebat dengan dasar asumsi itu tidak berujung pangkal, seperti benang kusut, ujungnya berkelahi terjerat asumsi masing-masing. Apalagi dengan dasar ‘konon katanya atau kabarnya’… Tidak produktif. Nah, media online memberikan ruang untuk hal semacam itu. Banyak yang melempar asumsi tanpa data. Bisa berbahaya jika dimakan mentah. Bisa keselek 🍍🤔
We will not discover new oceans, unless we have the courage to lose sight of the shore. An end is a beginning.
If you can talk about your research clearly, then you can write it.
The simplest way to check whether or not you can produce a ‘comprehensible’ article is by talking about your research.
If you can share it to others without making them lost in the jungle [of understanding], you will likely generate an article which can be accepted and understood by the academia.
If you cannot talk about it clearly, do not start writing.
You have to understand your research better than the audience [readers].
Simplify. Use a plain-simple language to talk about your research. Complexity is easy to achieve, but writing should start from simplicity – simple language.
Next, add the spices. Put the details and improve the complexity without altering the readability.
This is a simple ‘writing’ recipe from an ‘old’ editor 😎🚩
Smart robots are taking our physical works. Less and less physical skills are required. What does this mean for vocational higher education?
Vocational HE should shift its focus, from the development of hard skills to the encouragement of softskills, particularly creativity and adaptability. Only those who can adapt to the fast-paced environment will survive. Adapt or perish!
Click this link for a video from World Economic Forum –
Courage is not an innate feature of humans. It is built, harvested from challenges, failures, experiences, and success. Courage comes from our awareness of our own weaknesses and strengths.