Editing untuk the University of Birmingham

Sebelum subuh tadi, saya menyelesaikan pekerjaan editing untuk disertasi doktoral di University of Birmingham, Inggris. Sebenarnya, pekerjaan editing disertasi doktoral sudah sering saya lakukan, tapi editing disertasi dari kampus di Inggris selalu memberi kesan yang berbeda karena rekognisi yang diberikan oleh pihak kampus. Saya harus menandatangani surat pernyataan third-party editor dari the University of Birmingham.

Ini praktik yang menurut saya baik dan keren. Kenapa? First, kampus memberi pengakuan kepada editor bahasa profesional. Dokumen third-party statement ini bukan sekedar dokumen administratif, tetapi akan dilampirkan di dalam disertasi sehingga akan dibaca oleh penguji disertasi. Second, karena dokumen masuk ke university, dibaca semua pembimbing dan penguji, ini menjadi promosi gratis yang efektif. Nama saya sebagai editor ‘nampang’ di dokumen-dokumen disertasi University of Birmingham (dan beberapa kampus di UK). Eh tapi ini bukan tanpa resiko! Third, ini adalah bentuk keterbukaan dan akuntabilitas pekerjaan editing. Menandatangani third-party statement artinya saya menyatakan bertanggung jawab dengan kualitas pekerjaan editing yang saya lakukan. Kesalahan editing adalah kesalahan saya sebagai editor profesional. Ini seru! Saya harus selalu bekerja dengan teliti dan detail. More than that, saya harus selalu membaca dan belajar supaya tidak ketinggalan substansi keilmuan.

Editing untuk the University of Birmingham dan kampus-kampus lain di UK? Bisa.

Communication Techniques


The video covers techniques for managing anxiety and becoming an effective communicator during spontaneous speaking situations. It emphasizes the importance of making the audience comfortable by controlling one’s anxiety through techniques like greeting anxiety, reframing the situation as a conversation, and staying present-oriented. The presenter engages the audience through interactive activities and shares research-backed strategies such as using questions, conversational language, and tongue twisters to manage anxiety and improve spontaneous speaking abilities.

Another resource: click here  

LibriVox – Free Audiobooks

LibriVox is a great platform which offers free access to audiobooks in the public domain, with the unique feature of volunteer-read narrations. As a non-commercial, ad-free initiative, LibriVox operates through the efforts of a global volunteer community. Its main objective is to make public domain books available in audio format to everyone.

One of the site’s strengths is its inclusivity. Anyone can volunteer to narrate, regardless of experience or accent, and the platform supports recordings in any language. This openness fosters a diverse range of audiobook content. Additionally, LibriVox’s reliance on free resources, such as texts from Project Gutenberg and hosting from the Internet Archive, ensures that the service remains accessible to all.

However, because the books are from the public domain, many are older, which may lead to language and themes that feel outdated or offensive to modern listeners. Overall, LibriVox is an excellent resource for those who appreciate audiobooks and want to explore classic literature without any cost.

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