Analyze My Writing Posted on August 18, 2019 By Ardian Setiawan One of challenging (and time-consuming) tasks writing teachers face in their teaching is assessing learners’ written works. It takes a lot of energy to read and analyze students’ writing. This online text context and readability analyzer will help teachers assess learners’ written works. Some useful features are available on the website, such as basic text statistics, common words and phrases, readability, lexical density (I like this one most!), word and sentence lengths, and other analyses. Visit the website:
Memantaskan diri Posted on October 27, 2017 Pak, doain saya ya, supaya saya dapat pekerjaan yang bagus dan jodoh yang oke. Wah, doa saya harus lebih khusu’ dan kenceng. Lo, kenapa begitu pak? La ya kamu males belajar gitu, sering ndak ngerjain tugas, gimana mau dapet pekerjaan yang bagus? Jodoh yang oke? Kan itu nanti pak, masih… Read More
Writing #1 Posted on August 19, 2018August 22, 2018 Writing is not a single, homogeneous, linear achievement towards which you strive and at which you one day arrive. Rather, it is the manifestation of your professional learning journey and it is (or at least it should be) a continuous process involving reflection, improvement, development, progress and fulfillment of various… Read More