Is this journal credible? Posted on October 20, 2018October 20, 2018 By Ardian Setiawan Finding the right [read: credible] journal for our manuscripts, which is part of the publication game, is not easy as predatory/bogus journals are designed to ‘look’ like the credible ones. It becomes more difficult as different publishers have different publication standards and guidelines. We can, however, use certain indicators to examine the credibility of journals. LMU/LA Journal Evaluation Tool is a useful tool for measuring journal credibility. It can help writers make the best decisions for their work, and avoid bogus journal. The rubric of the tool guides writers to consider specific criteria in review, giving each a score, so that at the end of the review the writers will know if the journal may be a good, fair, or poor choice for their work. DOWNLOAD HERE – Journal Evaluation Tool
Uncategorized Editing untuk the University of Birmingham Posted on September 29, 2024October 9, 2024 Sebelum subuh tadi, saya menyelesaikan pekerjaan editing untuk disertasi doktoral di University of Birmingham, Inggris. Sebenarnya, pekerjaan editing disertasi doktoral sudah sering saya lakukan, tapi editing disertasi dari kampus di Inggris selalu memberi kesan yang berbeda karena rekognisi yang diberikan oleh pihak kampus. Saya harus menandatangani surat pernyataan third-party editor… Read More
Uncategorized Pencitraan Posted on August 24, 2020 Pada hakikatnya, semua manusia adalah makhluk pencitraan, yang selalu dalam usaha untuk menampilkan citra diri yang dikehendaki. Tapi saya tidak memasang foto apapun, saya tidak mau tampak ‘gimana gitu. Sunyi bukan berarti tak bermakna. Ketidakhadiran representasi gambar bukan berarti ketiadaan upaya pencitraan diri. Ketika diam, maka citra itulah yang dikehendaki…. Read More