Island – Aldous Huxley Posted on October 27, 2024 By Ardian Setiawan It’s dark because you are trying too hard. Lightly child, lightly. Learn to do everything lightly. Yes, feel lightly even though you’re feeling deeply. Just lightly let things happen and lightly cope with them. I was so preposterously serious in those days, such a humorless little prig. Lightly, lightly – it’s the best advice ever given me. When it comes to dying even. Nothing ponderous, or portentous, or emphatic. No rhetoric, no tremolos, no self conscious persona putting on its celebrated imitation of Christ or Little Nell. And of course, no theology, no metaphysics. Just the fact of dying and the fact of the clear light. So throw away your baggage and go forward. There are quicksands all about you, sucking at your feet, trying to suck you down into fear and self-pity and despair. That’s why you must walk so lightly. Lightly my darling, on tiptoes and no luggage, not even a sponge bag, completely unencumbered. — Aldous Huxley, Island Uncategorized
Uncategorized Geng Filosofi Riset dan Aliran Metodologisnya Posted on April 8, 2022April 9, 2022 Kalau saya menyebut istilah ‘geng motor’, pasti sampeyan langsung bisa menebak apa makna dari kata ‘geng’. Geng (English: gang) merujuk pada sekelompok orang yang membentuk perkumpulan karena adanya kesamaan, entah itu latar belakang sosial, budaya, minat atau hobi, dll. Peneliti juga punya geng! Keren ya hehe Dari latar belakang metodologi,… Read More
Uncategorized Protected: Workshop Materials Posted on August 28, 2019September 5, 2019 There is no excerpt because this is a protected post. Read More
Dialogisme dalam hidup Posted on April 20, 2020 Seorang teman datang dengan penuh emosi. ‘Kurang ajar penulis itu. Dia menulis kalimat-kalimat yang tidak bisa saya terima. Saya tersinggung’. ‘Sik, kenapa bro?’ saya bertanya lewat jalur panggilan yang samar, mungkin jaringan sedang tidak baik. ‘Dia menulis kalimat begitu, maksudnya pasti menyinggung saya. Saya emosi’. ‘Haha.. Ojo gampang ngamuk ta… Read More