Course Syllabus

Syllabus – Translation for Tourism Industry

Course Description:

This course focuses on developing translation skills specifically tailored for the tourism industry. Students will learn techniques and strategies for translating various types of texts commonly encountered in the field of tourism, including brochures, websites, promotional materials, and cultural descriptions. Emphasis will be placed on linguistic accuracy, cultural sensitivity, and effective communication.

Course Objectives:
– Understand the unique characteristics and requirements of translation in the tourism industry.
– Develop proficiency in translating a variety of tourism-related texts.
– Acquire skills for cultural adaptation and localization in translation.
– Enhance awareness of linguistic and cultural nuances in tourism discourse.
– Practice effective research and terminology management techniques.

– Proficiency in English and at least one other language.
– Completion of introductory translation or language-related courses recommended.


– Attendance and Participation: 20%
– Weekly Assignments: 40%
– Midterm Exam: 20%
– Final Project: 20%


Course Schedule:

Week 1: Introduction to Translation in Tourism
– Overview of translation principles
– Discussion on the importance of cultural sensitivity
– Activity: Analyze and compare translations of tourism brochures
– Independent Task: Research and identify key tourism vocabulary in English and target language

Week 2: Types of Tourism Texts
– Analysis of various tourism texts (brochures, websites, travel guides)
– Techniques for translating specific text types
– Activity: Translate excerpts from different types of tourism texts
– Independent Task: Translate a short tourism brochure into the target language

Week 3: Cultural Adaptation and Localization
– Understanding cultural differences in tourism discourse
– Strategies for cultural adaptation and localization
– Activity: Translate culturally sensitive phrases and expressions
– Independent Task: Translate a set of culturally specific tour descriptions

Week 4: Language Register and Tone
– Analyzing language register in tourism texts
– Maintaining appropriate tone in translations
– Activity: Translate texts with varying levels of formality
– Independent Task: Translate promotional materials with different target audiences

Week 5: Specialized Terminology
– Importance of terminology management in tourism translation
– Creating and maintaining glossaries
– Activity: Build a glossary for tourism translation
– Independent Task: Translate a set of specialized tourism terms into the target language

Week 6: Transcreation in Tourism
– Understanding transcreation and its role in tourism marketing
– Techniques for creative translation in promotional materials
– Activity: Transcreate slogans and marketing taglines
– Independent Task: Transcreate a tourism advertisement for a specific destination

Week 7: Legal and Ethical Considerations
– Overview of legal and ethical issues in tourism translation
– Importance of accuracy and reliability
– Activity: Translate legal disclaimers and terms of service for tourism websites
– Independent Task: Translate a set of legal documents related to tourism contracts

Week 8: Review and Midterm Exam

Week 9: Audiovisual Translation in Tourism
– Introduction to audiovisual translation (subtitling, dubbing)
– Techniques for translating tourism videos and commercials
– Activity: Subtitle a tourism promotional video
– Independent Task: Translate and subtitle a short tourism documentary

Week 10: Website Localization
– Understanding the importance of website localization for tourism
– Techniques for translating and adapting website content
– Activity: Localize a tourism website for a specific target audience
– Independent Task: Translate and localize a set of web pages for a tourism portal

Week 11: Cultural Heritage Translation
– Translation of cultural heritage descriptions and museum exhibits
– Techniques for conveying cultural significance in translations
– Activity: Translate descriptions of cultural sites and landmarks
– Independent Task: Translate a set of cultural heritage texts for a virtual tour platform

Week 12: Crisis Communication Translation
– Importance of crisis communication in tourism
– Techniques for translating emergency information and advisories
– Activity: Translate emergency response materials for tourists
– Independent Task: Translate a crisis communication plan for a tourism destination

Week 13: Sustainable Tourism Translation
– Translation challenges in sustainable tourism discourse
– Strategies for translating sustainability-related texts
– Activity: Translate promotional materials for eco-friendly tourism initiatives
– Independent Task: Translate a set of sustainability guidelines for tourism operators

Week 14: Review and Feedback on Final Project Proposals

Week 15: Final Project Work Session

Week 16: Final Project Presentations and Course Wrap-Up

Final Project:

– Translate a comprehensive tourism promotional package for a specific destination, including brochures, website content, audiovisual materials, and promotional videos. Emphasize linguistic accuracy, cultural sensitivity, and effective communication to attract international tourists.

This syllabus is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of translation in the tourism industry while offering ample opportunities for practical application and skill development.

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